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Version 4.52 released

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Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (22,975 posts)  [Biography] bio   Forum Administrator
Date Wed 07 Jul 2010 04:59 AM (UTC)

Amended on Wed 07 Jul 2010 05:46 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon


I am pleased to release version 4.52 of MUSHclient. See the release notes for more details.


  • Improvements to Lua modules, and mapper
  • New script functions WindowGetImageAlpha and WindowScrollwheelHandler
  • Fixed a couple of bugs
  • Added some more GetInfo selectors for scripting
  • Upgraded PNG and SQLite3 libraries
  • Added "miniwin" table to assist in scripting miniwindows


You can view the release notes for version 4.52

You can download MUSHclient 4.52 now from ...

You are strongly advised to backup (make a copy of) your existing MUSHclient world files before upgrading. Just in case.

If there are any problems, please post messages to the Bug Reports, Suggestions, or General parts of this forum.

MD5 sum for the installer

If you do an md5sum on mushclient452.exe you should get this result:


The forum post a small script to sumcheck the MUSHclient download shows how you can write a small script in MUSHclient to do the sumcheck. It also lists some places you can download md5sum.exe to do the sumcheck (if this is the first time you have downloaded MUSHclient).

One way of doing an md5sum is to download the Installer_sumcheck plugin from the Plugins page (RH click that link and "save link as" to get the plugin). Then install the plugin (see the File menu -> Plugins) and type "md5sum" which lets you browse to the installer file, load it, and display the sumcheck.

Message about "Failed to load resources file"

Some users are reporting getting a message like "Failed to load resources file: C:\Programme\MUSHclient\locale\DE.dll - trying English file" when starting MUSHclient (the DE.dll part might be another language like FR.dll).

This will be because you have customized the "locale" of MUSHclient to other than EN (English). See the How to localize MUSHclient messages into other languages forum posting for more details about localization.

To fix this, find the directory you installed MUSHclient into (eg. "C:\Program Files\MUSHclient\") and then locate the subdirectory "locale". In that you will find a file en.dll. Copy or rename that file to match the missing file in the message (eg. copy en.dll to de.dll).

Alternative suggestion: Go into the File menu -> Global Preferences -> General, and change the field "Locale code" back to "EN" (English) and then it should look for EN.DLL next time.

Warning about Lua 5.1 upgrade

MUSHclient version 3.80 upgraded the Lua script engine from Lua 5.0.2 to 5.1.1. If you are upgrading to this version from an earlier version than 3.80, you should read Version 3.80 released - with Lua 5.1 script engine - this post has recommendations about what is required if you use Lua scripting or Lua plugins. Note: Since version 3.80 was released, the version of Lua has been upgraded. It is currently 5.1.4. Some versions (versions 4.49 to 4.52 of MUSHclient) may incorrectly report they are using Lua 5.1.1 when you open a world.

Warning about upgrading from versions prior to 3.21

MUSHclient version 3.85 (onwards) no longer reads the old "binary" world files produced by versions prior to 3.21. For more information about this please read the forum post Versions 3.85 onwards no longer support world files created prior to version 3.21 - this post has recommendations about how to upgrade your world files if you are upgrading from a version earlier than 3.21.

Note that version 3.21 was released quite a few years ago (May 2002), so people who have recently installed MUSHclient should not have any problems.

Source code

The source code for this version is available from GitHub:


You can directly download the source from the Downloads page (http://github.com/nickgammon/mushclient/downloads), or preferably install Git and use the appropriate commands to clone or pull the source. For some suggestions about getting the source from Git see MUSHclient source being made available on GitHub forum posting.

If you install Git, subsequent downloads (of new versions) will be much faster as it only needs to download the changes, not the whole source. Also by using Git you can find out exactly what has changed from version to the next.

Summary of changes in this version

$ git diff v4.51..v4.52 --stat
 MUSHclient.cpp                             |    5 +-
 MUSHclient.rc                              |    8 +-
 OtherTypes.h                               |   15 +-
 dialogs/ImportXMLdlg.cpp                   |    6 +-
 dialogs/MultiLineTriggerDlg.cpp            |    4 +-
 dialogs/plugins/PluginWizard.h             |    5 +-
 dialogs/world_prefs/EditVariable.cpp       |    2 -
 dialogs/world_prefs/GenPropertyPage.h      |    1 +
 dialogs/world_prefs/TimerDlg.cpp           |    6 -
 dialogs/world_prefs/aliasdlg.cpp           |    2 -
 dialogs/world_prefs/genpropertypage.cpp    |   30 ++-
 dialogs/world_prefs/prefspropertypages.cpp |   87 ++----
 dialogs/world_prefs/prefspropertypages.h   |    7 +-
 dialogs/world_prefs/triggdlg.cpp           |   65 -----
 doc.cpp                                    |   40 ++-
 doc.h                                      |    7 +-
 globalregistryoptions.cpp                  |    4 -
 install/readme.txt                         |    4 +-
 lua/mapper.lua                             |  198 +++++++++++---
 lua/movewindow.lua                         |   31 ++-
 lua/mw.lua                                 |    4 +-
 lua/wait.lua                               |    5 +-
 miniwindow.cpp                             |  203 +++++++++++++-
 mushclient.clw                             |   11 +-
 mushclient.cnt                             |    2 +
 mushclient.odl                             |   18 +-
 mushview.cpp                               |   83 +++++--
 mushview.h                                 |    4 +-
 png/readme.txt                             |    7 +-
 resource.h                                 |    2 +-
 scripting/functionlist.cpp                 |    2 +
 scripting/lua_methods.cpp                  |  363 +++++++++++++++++++++++--
 scripting/lua_scripting.cpp                |    1 +
 scripting/methods.cpp                      |  412 ++++++++++++++++------------
 scriptingoptions.cpp                       |    4 +-
 sqlite3/readme.txt                         |    4 +-
 36 files changed, 1170 insertions(+), 482 deletions(-)

Commit log (date order)

$ git log --pretty=oneline --reverse --abbrev-commit v4.51..v4.52
7062263 Got rid of colour codes, fixed bug with stub lines
4f73598 Improvements to mapper
9f35496 Added show_other_areas flag to init
0b61ef3 Added 'fast speedwalk' capability
a71941d Added code to show zone exits
2affd69 changed Send to Execute for speedwalks, fixed bug in stubs
7f40db2 Added option to not draw up/down rooms
5976063 Improved close box in mapper configuration
9e32881 Added check for window name, allowed disable of DoAfter
44a6c59 Removed test for being connected to MUD
e3bebba Added flag to disable offscreen check, added friend windows
816da57 Added flags to timers are active if world closed
039e557 Changed tprint to show keys in alphabetic order
24ae3c8 Revert "Changed tprint to show keys in alphabetic order"
b43e669 Fixed problem with rooms drawn over each other
a877faf Added selectors 290 to 293 to GetInfo
835659d Adding temporary triggers etc. marked world as dirty
ee7478c Increased version number to 4.52
95bb5e8 Code cleanups that should not affect functionality
b76817b Code cleanups
08329b8 Another code cleanup
36e7fe7 Tidied up a couple of 64-bit integer conversions
4b88e29 Fixed minor bug in concatArgs
ae61fa2 Removed some redundant functions
482db3b Fixed bug in copying to clipboard
a7df93e Fixed bug in copying to clipboard in another spot
934c9d7 Added function WindowGetImageAlpha
754a918 Added miniwin constants
dcde8f5 Enabled tab-completion for miniwin table
40eed91 Fixed bug where a timer deleting a timer might crash the client
2341a43 Added WindowScrollwheelHandler function
193dac7 Fixed bug in amendment to timers firing
9d0a93b Removed redundant message in Import XML dialog
e26eeb6 Fixed memory leak if error importing XML
91ed375 Fixed bug in Multi-line trigger dialog
e6f42e5 Minor coding fix
cb3a144 Fixed memory leak in processing XML with paste button
673a568 Added GetInfo (294), changed way scroll wheel works
32ea0db Code cleanups, no effect on behaviour
ed6dead Added nested menus to WindowMenu
a679149 Upgraded PNG, SQLite3, changed release date

- Nick Gammon

www.gammon.com.au, www.mushclient.com
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Written by Nick Gammon - 5K   profile for Nick Gammon on Stack Exchange, a network of free, community-driven Q&A sites   Marriage equality

Comments to: Gammon Software support
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