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Gammon Forum

Forum registration

Use this form to register as a user of the Gammon Forum

Registration enables us to ensure that forum discussions occur in an orderly way, however no details will be disclosed to third parties without your consent.

Your email address is only for our records, unless you indicate that you wish it to be revealed (so people can discuss topics with you directly). We do not sell or give away our mailing lists to anyone.

New forum user

Fields marked "*" are required, others may be left blank.
Press the "Save" button when finished to send your details to our server.

Arduino or electronics questions

Please post questions about electronics or the Arduino on the Arduino Forum or to Arduino Stack Exchange.

Use of cookies

This forum uses an authentication cookie to remember your sessions when you are logged in. By creating an account, and logging into that account, you consent to this cookie being stored on your browser. See the Use of cookies on this site forum posting for more details about this.

Warning re apparent spam users

Please note that if you make a forum account here, post no questions about MUD games or issues related to this web site, it is likely to be considered a "spam" account and summarily deleted.

This name will be shown on posts and replies in the forum. You will log on to the forum using this name or your email address. It doesn't have to be your real name, just a name for the forum.
Email address:
Your email address. eg.
Submission code:
To guard against computer-generated submissions (spam), please enter the 6-character code below:

If you have trouble reading it, refresh your browser to get a new one.
The code is case-sensitive, in the range 'A' to 'Z' (or 'a' to 'z').

Save your settings ...

Please be patient while the system generates an email for you with your password.


A randomly-generated password will be emailed to you upon completion of this form. You can use this password to submit discussion topics, and to modify your personal information.

By emailing you the password we are confirming that you have correctly entered your email address. If you do not get a reply within a couple of minutes please check that you submitted your correct email address, and if not, resubmit the corrected form.

Forgotten password

If you ever forget your password you can request a password reset.

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