Enter one or more words in the box below to find messages that match.
You can also use Google to search this site. This can be helpful for searching places other than the forum (eg. FAQs) and also for using Google's advanced search capabilities, such as searching for phrases, names of authors, date ranges and so on.
See Advanced Search Hints for tips about using Google search.
Using the "forum search" button you can search for:
eg. "dog cat fish" searches for posts with all three words somewhere in them
You can also use the word AND if you like. eg. "dog AND cat AND fish"
eg. "dog NOT cat" searches for posts with "dog" in them but not "cat"
eg. "dog OR cat fish spoon" will search for "dog" or "cat" or "fish" or "spoon"
eg. "dog and cat or fish and not fruit"
Both the text of the post, and the subject line, are searched.
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