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Newbie needing some help with Stats, and Commands

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Posted by Bocephus   (3 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Fri 25 Aug 2006 04:17 PM (UTC)
Anybody that can help me, I thank you in advance... you'll see why!

Heres the deal i'm totally new, other than coding on byond so i'll pretty much be lost most of the time, fair warning if you decide to help me out :P

What i'm trying to do is rename stats and add a few more, mainly what I want to do is make a whole new score sheet really. I'm going to make a World of Darkness Mu* but I don't like using mush codes like pennmush etc. I prefer the feel of a mud, so what I need is a score sheet that basically just has values in it that I can add numbers into, all I need is apperance I don't need the actual stats to have a use so long as they show up on screen and I can add and take numbers from them, how might I go about this?

I need to add a few commands or change the name of a few commands, like to make people be able to take on the different forms of their werewolfs or other shifters, and for vampires to bare their fangs etc, just things that I think should be simple but are outside of my range of knowledge.

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Posted by Conner   USA  (381 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #1 on Fri 25 Aug 2006 09:08 PM (UTC)
I'm not sure I'm understand you correctly here.. are you using Smaug at this point?

If so, in answer to question #1, why not just go through and rename the stats you want (code wide) to whatever you want them to be? And, why not just modify the existing score sheet called by the score command (found in player.c) to whatever you want it to look like? In answer to question #2, I would think the existing polymorph commands should be able to call various forms already, but if not, you ought to be able to fairly easily make slightly modified copies of them to call each of the various forms. And for a vampire to bare his fangs, unless it will have an in-game impact beyond the role-playing aspects, why not just use a social for that?

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Posted by Tzaro   USA  (41 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #2 on Sat 26 Aug 2006 01:48 AM (UTC)
renaming commands is easy enough.... use the command 'cedit'.

Implementer of Lost Prophecy,
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Posted by Conner   USA  (381 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #3 on Sat 26 Aug 2006 03:27 AM (UTC)
Is that what Bocephus was asking?

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Posted by Bocephus   (3 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #4 on Sat 26 Aug 2006 10:47 PM (UTC)
Thanks guys, so far so good, editing the score sheet was the way to go, the changing command names works out well to with poly morph, and yeah I can just make it a social it does have importance but not enough to matter greatl. Where can I find where the main stats are defined though??

and with the ammount of things im going to have to add to the score sheet, i'll be having to add around 30 more stats. So once I add the stats whereever, i'll need to do what to make them editable? And is there a way I can make different score sheets call to different players? like a way I can assign which sheet they get in game, being as everyone will start as the same thing and then be classed, if you guys are having problems visualizing what I mean
(I busted my head open last night excuse my bad typing 5 staples...ouch) Pop into Bourbon and blood as a guest and look at the score sheet...or you may have to make a char name, to look at the standard score sheet its a merc edited base

bourbonandblood.com port 2300 basiclly I need to find the easiest way to make the sheet look like that.. once again I apologize for the clutter and lack of sense this post makes
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Posted by Tzaro   USA  (41 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #5 on Mon 28 Aug 2006 04:50 AM (UTC)
I went to the MUD, checked it out and spoke with the admin a bit. Nice crew :) Anyway, SMAUG doesn't have nearly as many stats as that place. Are you looking to add new stats to the MUD and update it accordingly or do you just want to have that type of look with the 7 standard stats that SMAUG comes with?

Implementer of Lost Prophecy,
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Posted by Conner   USA  (381 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #6 on Mon 28 Aug 2006 05:09 AM (UTC)
I'll bet if he's trying to do a World of Darkness mud, he's going to want to actually have that many stats.. though, most of those stats should only range from 0-5 rather than 1-25.

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Posted by Bocephus   (3 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #7 on Mon 28 Aug 2006 06:23 PM (UTC)
Right. I do actually need that many stats but ranging from 1-10 being as....nobody should ever...never ever have a 10 in anything but ...it is possible
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Posted by Tzaro   USA  (41 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #8 on Mon 28 Aug 2006 10:46 PM (UTC)
wow, that's a lot of stats to add. It'll probably take some time but it's more than doable. I'll get right down to all the basics... after I make a quick comment on planning.

First thing's first. You're going to be reconstructing (or at least, should reconstruct) a lot of the game engine to fit all of your new stats. SMAUG was written based off of 7 stats (Strength, Wisdom, Intelligence, Dexterity, Constitution, Charisma, and Luck). You're going to want to have an idea of how each of your new stats will affect gameplay. ie) Strength is used to measure how much weight a person can carry, how heavy a weapon they can wield, how much force they can strike a person with, ect.

Granted, the above isn't needed but it's more realistic if you have a use for a stat rather than it just being "I have a 10 for 'common sense'..." That's great, but what's that do for the player if it's just 'there'? ;)

Okay, Now that we have the fundamental outline complete on "what does what", it's time to actually add your new stats. This part is relatively easy, although it's highly repetitive. Find all the stat variables (look in mud.h) and start adding in your brand new stats right below it. You should be able to copy the format and have it work. Next, go to save.c and find all the values that save the old stats to a pfile. Add in new stuff there (again, mimic and you can't go wrong). Then find the section where you're assigned stats (during player creation). I don't have a copy of SMAUG in front of me and I'm not overly familiar with it but I believe it's in comm.c. Again, mimic the old stats and add in your new ones. You might have to do a few other updates here and there but that's pretty much the bulk of it for adding in your new stats. Congratz, you're on your way.

This... is the hideous part. The new 'stats' are added but they don't serve any purpose yet. You should start by tracking down all the functions that use those 7 basic SMAUG stats and edit them to fit your needs. Perhaps you want shops to sell items cheaper if their physical appearance is high rather than their charisma. Maybe both? Add it in. Do you want a high common sense have a better chance of avoiding traps instead of dexterity? Again, add it in. Next you need to add in anything that hasn't already been covered, obviously. Perhaps you want someone with high stealth to be automatically affected by sneak... no problem, just use an if check or something similar. Keep in mind, lots of math has gone into all of these formulas to keep the game balanced. Keep your formulas simple and make sure you don't make a stat become useless or extremely overpowered.

Now, update your 'score' sheet. Design something and jot down how, exactly, you want your new score sheet to look. Since a big section of it is going to be devoted to your stats, perhaps it might even be best to take off existing stats from the current score card and create a new card dedicated to nothing but stats? Do you want it to display numbers or tick marks? Now build it. Use the resources at hand to help in its creation. Take a look at how the variables are currently used in the current score card and you should be able to learn everything you'll need for your new score card.

Congratz, you're just about finished. Make clean and compile. Fix all errors, done. :P

Anyway, I'll be more than glad to help assist you if you get stuck along the way. But without having the above stuff already finished and in a form that I (or anyone) can visibly see, not much more can be said. Follow the basic structure I just layed out and start hacking away at the code. If you screw up and it doesn't work, post what you did and we'll explain why it didn't work (and how to get it working). Make sure you backup your files before you start so you can roll back to them if needed!

Implementer of Lost Prophecy,
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Posted by Nargsbrood   (54 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #9 on Sat 16 Sep 2006 01:28 AM (UTC)
looks like you scared him away :)
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