Script function
Read about scripting
Opens a log file.
long OpenLog(BSTR LogFileName, BOOL Append);
View list of data type meanings
This opens a log file of the name "LogFileName", with optional appending to an existing file of the same name. No previous output lines are written (as may happen when you use the ‘open log’ dialog box), nor is a log-file preamble written. If you want to write those things to the script file, you must do them yourself (see WriteLog).
If an empty filename is supplied (that is, "") then the filename specified in the Logging configuration will be used, which lets you use substitutions in the name of the file (eg. the date).
VBscript example
world.openlog "mylog.txt", false
Jscript example
world.openlog("mylog.txt", false);
PerlScript example
$world->openlog("mylog.txt", false);
Python example
world.openlog("mylog.txt", False)
Lua example
OpenLog ("mylog.txt", false)
Lua notes
The Append flag is optional, and defaults to false.
Return value
eOK: opened OK
eCouldNotOpenLogFile: unable to open the log file
eLogFileAlreadyOpen: log file was already open
View list of return code meanings
See Also ...
(CloseLog) Closes the log file
(FlushLog) Flushes the log file to disk
(IsLogOpen) Tests to see if a log file is open
(LogInput) The property of whether commands are logged to the log file
(LogNotes) The property of whether notes are logged to the log file
(LogOutput) The property of whether MUD output is logged to the log file
(LogSend) Sends a message to the MUD and logs it
(WriteLog) Writes to the log file
(Help topic: function=OpenLog)