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Enables/disables a group of aliases


long EnableAliasGroup(BSTR GroupName, BOOL Enabled);

View list of data type meanings


Triggers, aliases and timers can be placed in "groups" where a group is a bunch of related items. Groups have names, there is no restriction on the name of a group. Ungrouped items have blank (empty) names.

To enable an entire group of aliases do this:

world.EnableAliasGroup "groupname", 1

To disable the entire group:

world.EnableAliasGroup "groupname", 0

For debugging purposes the function returns a count of the number of members in the group (not the number enabled, as some may already be enabled). eg.

dim mycount
mycount = world.EnableAliasGroup ("groupname", 1)

If you are using plugins only the members of the current plugin (if any) are affected. If the call is made outside a plugin only the members of the group that are not in a plugin are affected.

Available in MUSHclient version 3.27 onwards.

VBscript example

world.EnableAliasGroup "groupname", 1  ' enable the group
world.EnableAliasGroup "groupname", 0  ' disable the group

Jscript example

world.EnableAliasGroup ("groupname", 1);  // enable the group
world.EnableAliasGroup ("groupname", 0);  // disable the group

PerlScript example

$world->EnableAliasGroup ("groupname", 1);  # enable the group
$world->EnableAliasGroup ("groupname", 0);  # disable the group

Python example

world.EnableAliasGroup ("groupname", 1)  # enable the group
world.EnableAliasGroup ("groupname", 0)  # disable the group

Lua example

EnableAliasGroup ("groupname", true)  -- enable the group
EnableAliasGroup ("groupname", false)  -- disable the group

Lua notes

The enabled flag is optional, and defaults to true.

Return value

A count of the number of items in that group.

See Also ...


Default triggers/aliases/timers/macros/colours
Getting started
Keypad navigation
Macro keys
Regular Expressions
Speed walking


(AddAlias) Adds an alias
(DeleteAlias) Deletes an alias
(DeleteAliasGroup) Deletes a group of aliases
(DeleteGroup) Deletes a group of triggers, aliases and timers
(DeleteTemporaryAliases) Deletes all temporary aliases
(EnableAlias) Enables or disables an alias
(EnableGroup) Enables/disables a group of triggers, aliases and timers
(EnableTimerGroup) Enables/disables a group of timers
(EnableTriggerGroup) Enables/disables a group of triggers
(GetAlias) Gets details about an alias
(GetAliasInfo) Gets details about an alias
(GetAliasList) Gets the list of aliases
(GetAliasOption) Gets the value of a named alias option
(GetAliasWildcard) Returns the contents of the specified wildcard for the named alias
(GetPluginAliasInfo) Gets details about a named alias for a specified plugin
(GetPluginAliasList) Gets the list of aliases in a specified plugin
(GetPluginAliasOption) Gets the value of a named alias option for a specified plugin
(IsAlias) Tests to see if an alias exists
(SetAliasOption) Sets the value of a named alias option

(Help topic: function=EnableAliasGroup)

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