Script function
Read about scripting
Displays debugging information about the world
VARIANT Debug(BSTR Command);
View list of data type meanings
You can use this to quickly list things of interest about the world.
You can currently get the following information:
"actions" - things like hyperlinks that do something
"aliases" - list of world aliases
"alpha_options" - the world's alpha (string) options, and their values
"ansi" - lists the ANSI colours defined in the ANSI configuration tab (with swatches)
"arrays" - list of world arrays (see ArrayCreate)
"colours" - known colour names, (with swatches) and RGB codes etc.
"colours256" - list of extended ANSI colours (with swatches)
"commands" - lists command history
"custom_colours - lists the 16 custom colours along with their names (with swatches)
"entities" - lists known MXP entities with what the translate to
"global_options" - list of global options and their values
"included_options" - list of options set by included files
"info" - lists all GetInfo items and associated values
"internal_commands" - lists commands that can be done with DoCommand
"options" - the world's numeric options, and their values
"option_info" - list of alpha/numeric options and their ranges
"plugins" - lists information for each plugin (aliases, triggers, etc.)
"server_elements" - lists MXP elements defined by the MUD server
"server_entities" - lists MXP entities defined by the MUD server
"summary" - summarizes triggers, aliases, world info, plugins, miniwindows
"triggers" - list of world triggers
"variables" - list of world variables
eg. /world.Debug "aliases"
To find the list without referring to this web page, just type:
/world.Debug ""
VBscript example
/world.Debug "colours"
Jscript example
/world.Debug ("colours");
PerlScript example
/$world->Debug ("colours");
Python example
world.Debug ("colours")
Lua example
Debug ("colours")
Return value
Returns a variant, however it is not used at present. The debug information is displayed in the world window.
See Also ...
(EchoInput) A flag to indicate whether we are echoing command input to the output window
(GetConnectDuration) Returns the number of seconds this world has been connected.
(GetEntity) Retrieves the value of an MXP server-defined entity
(GetHostAddress) Returns a list of IP addresses that correspond to a host name on the Internet
(GetHostName) Returns the host name that corresponds to an IP address on the Internet
(GetInfo) Gets information about the current world
(GetInternalCommandsList) Returns a list of the internal MUSHclient command names
(GetLineCount) Gets count of lines received
(GetLineInfo) Gets details about a specified line in the output window
(GetLinesInBufferCount) Returns the number of lines in the output window
(GetMainWindowPosition) Returns the position and size of the main MUSHclient window
(GetNotepadWindowPosition) Returns the position and size of the specified notepad window
(GetNotes) Gets the world's notes
(GetQueue) Returns a variant array which is a list of queued commands
(GetReceivedBytes) Returns the number of bytes received from the world
(GetRecentLines) Assembles a block of text from recent MUD output
(GetSelectionEndColumn) Returns the endling column of the selection in the output window
(GetSelectionEndLine) Returns the last line of the selection in the output window
(GetSelectionStartColumn) Returns the starting column of the selection in the output window
(GetSelectionStartLine) Returns the starting line of the selection in the output window
(GetSentBytes) Returns the number of bytes sent to the world
(GetStyleInfo) Gets details about a specified style run for a specified line in the output window
(GetSysColor) Gets the colour of various windows items
(GetSystemMetrics) Returns selected system information from Windows
(GetWorldID) Returns the 24-character ID of the current world
(GetWorldWindowPosition) Returns the position and size of the current world window
(GetWorldWindowPositionX) Returns the position and size of a specific world window
(GetXMLEntity) Retrieves the value of a standard entity
(IsConnected) Tests to see if the world is connected to the MUD server
(SetChanged) Sets or clears the "document has changed" flag
(SetEntity) Sets the value of an MXP entity
(Simulate) Simulate input from the MUD, for debugging purposes
(UdpPortList) Returns an array of all the UDP ports in use by this world
(Version) Gets the MUSHclient version string.
(WorldAddress) Returns the TCP/IP address of the current world.
(WorldName) Gets the world's name
(WorldPort) Returns the port number of the current world.
(Help topic: function=Debug)