Does a global find-and-replace on the selected text using string.gsub
Search -> Global Replace
Keyboard Shortcut
Example of script call
world.DoCommand "GlobalReplace"
Invokes the global replace dialog box, which lets you do powerful replacement on the selected text using Lua's string.gsub, allowing you to use regular expressions in the Find box, and optionally a custom replacement function.
See Also ...
Global Replace
(ActivateNotepad) Activates a notepad window
(AppendToNotepad) Appends text to a notepad window
(CloseNotepad) Closes a notepad window
(GetNotepadLength) Gets the length of the text in a notepad window
(GetNotepadList) Gets the list of open notepads - returning their titles
(GetNotepadText) Gets the text from a notepad window
(MoveNotepadWindow) Move and resize the specified notepad window
(NotepadColour) Changes the text and background colour of the selected notepad window
(NotepadFont) Changes the font and style of the selected notepad window
(NotepadReadOnly) Make a selected notepad window read-only
(NotepadSaveMethod) Changes the save method for this notepad window
(ReplaceNotepad) Replaces text in a notepad window
(SaveNotepad) Saves a notepad window to disk
(SendToNotepad) Creates a notepad and sends text to it
(Help topic: command=GlobalReplace)