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Information options

You can access the program's information options dialog box by selecting "Information" from the Options menu, or pressing Command-I.

The options that you last had selected are remembered by QuickSlideshow at the end of each session so that the same options will apply when you start your next session.


Name of current picture

The file name of the picture being currently displayed can be shown by checking the "Name of current picture" option. If you have an extended keyboard you can toggle showing the current picture name by pressing function key F12.

Amount of memory currently free

The amount of free memory currently available to QuickSlideshow can be shown by checking the "Amount of memory currently free" option.

Information about picture size and dimensions

General information about the picture is displayed if the "Information about picture size and dimensions" option is checked. This includes:

Percentage picture is scaled

The amount that the current picture is scaled (shrunk or expanded) can be shown by checking the "Percentage picture is scaled" option. If the percentage is 100% then the picture is being shown full size. If it is 200% then it is being shown at double size.

Depending on settings in the preferences dialog box, QuickSlideshow will attempt to scale each picture so that it fits into the current screen, so that you do not need to "scroll" around to see the whole picture.

Scaling a picture takes longer than displaying it at full size, so that a picture shown at 150% will be drawn more slowly than one drawn at 100%.

Also, the scaling is always carried out so that the picture keeps its original proportions, so that a rectangular picture may have blank areas on the sides, or above and below. In this case, the picture is centred so that the blank parts are evenly on each side of the picture.

Sometimes a picture will appear to be "off-centre". This is not a bug in QuickSlideshow, it is simply that the black areas on the side of the picture are part of the original picture.

In order to allow for users who may be using very large screens, QuickSlideshow sets a maximum scaling factor of 400%. Pictures scaled larger than that would not only take a long time to draw, but would look "chunky". Correspondence will be entered into if any users would like this limit changed.

For technical reasons, interlaced pictures are always scaled by an integral amount (i.e. 100%, 200%, 300% or 400%).

If you do not want small pictures scaled up (enlarged), un-check the "Enlarge pictures which are smaller than the screen" option in the Preferences dialog box.

If you do not want large pictures scaled down (shrunk), un-check the "Shrink pictures which are larger than the screen" option in the Preferences dialog box.

Progress through current sequence of pictures

The progress through the current list of pictures can be shown by checking the "Progress through current sequence of pictures" option. The display appears in the format, "File 45 of 3421", indicating that you are viewing file number 45 out of a list of 3421 files.

This number can be entered into the "Go to picture number" dialogue box available under the "Slideshow" menu so that you can reposition to a given point in a sequence of pictures.

If the files are being shown in random order then the number shows how far you are through the random sequence, not which file number in the list you are currently viewing.

If you switch from Random to Sequential mode or vice-versa the progress number will change from "how many pictures you have seen" to "how far through the picture list you are".

If the "loop" option is active then the file number will reset to 1 when the sequence restarts.

If you have an extended keyboard you can toggle showing the picture number by pressing function key F11.

Show when next ready

The moment that the next GIF picture is ready for viewing can be shown by checking the "Show when next ready" option. This displays a small white box on the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.

This is useful in conjunction with manual advancing of frames, or when you are manually scrolling pictures which are larger than the screen. Until the white box appears, pressing "space", "enter", "return" (or clicking) to advance to the next frame will not have an immediate effect, because QuickSlideshow is still decoding the next picture while you are viewing the current one. Once the box appears you know that attempting to advance or scroll will result in immediate action.

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Written by Nick Gammon - 5K

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Page updated on Wednesday, 15 December 2004