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Gets details about a timer


long GetTimer(BSTR TimerName, VARIANT* Hour, VARIANT* Minute, VARIANT* Second, VARIANT* ResponseText, VARIANT* Flags, VARIANT* ScriptName);

View list of data type meanings


Gets details about the specified timer name.

See AddTimer for a description of the meanings of the fields.

This function does not appear to work when using Jscript or PerlScript, so if you are using those languages you should see GetTimerInfo instead. See below for how it works with Lua.

VBscript example

dim timername
dim timerhour
dim timerminute
dim timersecond
dim timerresponse
dim timerflags
dim timerscriptname
dim iStatus

iStatus = world.gettimer (timername, timerhour, timerminute, _
            timersecond, timerresponse, _
            timerflags, timerscriptname)

Jscript example

// Use GetTimerInfo when using Jscript

PerlScript example

# Use GetTimerInfo when using PerlScript

Python example

# Use GetTimerInfo when using Python

Lua example

local status

local hour
local minute
local second
local response
local flags
local scriptname

status, hour, minute, second, response, flags, scriptname = 
  GetTimer ("my_timer")

print (hour, minute, second, response, flags, scriptname)

Lua notes

Lua does not let you call by reference, however it can return multiple results.

Thus GetTimer is implemented to return the various fields as a multiple-return result, 
as shown in the example above.

Return value

eInvalidObjectLabel: The timer name is not valid
eTimerNotFound: The named timer does not exist
eOK: completed OK

View list of return code meanings

See Also ...


Default triggers/aliases/timers/macros/colours
Getting started


(AddTimer) Adds a timer
(DeleteTemporaryTimers) Deletes all temporary timers
(DeleteTimer) Deletes a timer
(DeleteTimerGroup) Deletes a group of timers
(DoAfter) Adds a one-shot, temporary timer - simplified interface
(DoAfterSpecial) Adds a one-shot, temporary, timer to carry out some special action
(DoAfterSpeedWalk) Adds a one-shot, temporary speedwalk timer - simplified interface
(EnableTimer) Enables or disables an timer
(EnableTimerGroup) Enables/disables a group of timers
(GetPluginTimerOption) Gets the value of a named timer option for a specified plugin
(GetPluginTriggerOption) Gets the value of a named trigger option for a specified plugin
(GetTimerInfo) Gets details about a timer
(GetTimerList) Gets the list of timers
(GetTimerOption) Gets the value of a named timer option
(IsTimer) Tests to see if a timer exists
(ResetTimer) Resets a named timer
(ResetTimers) Resets all timers
(SetTimerOption) Sets the value of a named timer option

(Help topic: function=GetTimer)

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