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Edit timer

Every interval:

For timers that fire at intervals (eg. every 5 minutes), fill in the next 6 boxes as required.


How many hours apart.


How many minutes apart.


How many seconds apart.


The offset is used to make a timer fire a fixed amount before its interval elapses. This is useful to "stagger" timed events. For example, if you wanted to have your character:

pose looks around vaguely

every 2 minutes, and

pose scratches his head

every 2 minutes (but in-between the other "pose") then you would set both timers to go off at 2 minute intervals, but have one of them have a 1 minute offset. If you didn�t do that then both timers would go off every 2 minutes, displaying both messages in quick succession.


Offset in hours.


Offset in minutes.


Offset in seconds.

At the time:

Click on this to have a timer fire at a particular time of the day (using a 24-hour clock). This sort of timer will then fire at that time, every day.


Hour to fire.


Minute to fire.


Second to fire.


What to send when the timer fires.


Click on the button labelled "..." to open a larger box for editing the timer send text.

Alternatively press Alt+Enter to open the editing dialog box.

Only Fire Once

If checked, the timer only fires once, and then deletes itself.


If checked, the timer is not saved in the world file.

Active When Disconnected

If checked, the timer will fire even if the world is not connected. This lets you make a "reconnect" timer, for example.

Send To:

Where to send the timer send text to. The default is to the MUD. However you can choose other places, such as the output window, a notepad window, or make the timer "send to script" in which case the timer "send" text can be script commands.

If you send to "execute" then the send text is evaluated through the command processor, so you can then have an alias inside a timer if you want.

The "send-to" box lets you choose to send the "send" text to one of:

  • world (the MUD)
  • command (the command window)
  • output (directly to the output window, as a note to yourself)
  • status (to the status line)
  • notepad - new (create a new notepad window)
  • notepad - append (append to a notepad window)
  • log file (directly to the log file)
  • notepad - replace (replace an existing notepad window)
  • world - speedwalk delay (queue for delayed send at the speedwalk rate)
  • variable (set a variable, whose name you provide in the variable box)
  • execute (execute through normal command parser, so aliases, speedwalks etc. will be executed)
  • speedwalk (send to world after converting speedwalk string)
  • script (execute as a script command in the current scripting language)
  • world - immediate (to the MUD immediately, even if you are speedwalking)


If you have set the timer to "send to variable", place the variable name here.


Timers can have names - put the name in the "label" box.

Rules for names

Names of triggers, aliases, timers and variables must follow these rules:

  • Start with a letter (A-Z)
  • Be followed by letters (A-Z), numbers (0-9) or the underscore character (_)


If checked, the timer is enabled (active).


If you have a script file, the timer will call a script in it if you place the script function name here. The script function must be declared with one argument: the timer name. For example, in VBscript:

sub my_timer_function (name) 
 world.note "timer " & name & " called." 
end sub 

However in Lua all arguments are optional (as is usual with Lua function calls).


Timers can be placed in groups. If you want to group your timers place the group name in the group box. You can use groups to enable/disable or delete groups of timers.

See Also ...


Default triggers/aliases/timers/macros/colours
Getting started


(AddTimer) Adds a timer
(DeleteTemporaryTimers) Deletes all temporary timers
(DeleteTimer) Deletes a timer
(DeleteTimerGroup) Deletes a group of timers
(DoAfter) Adds a one-shot, temporary timer - simplified interface
(DoAfterSpecial) Adds a one-shot, temporary, timer to carry out some special action
(DoAfterSpeedWalk) Adds a one-shot, temporary speedwalk timer - simplified interface
(EnableTimer) Enables or disables an timer
(EnableTimerGroup) Enables/disables a group of timers
(GetPluginTimerOption) Gets the value of a named timer option for a specified plugin
(GetPluginTriggerOption) Gets the value of a named trigger option for a specified plugin
(GetTimer) Gets details about a timer
(GetTimerInfo) Gets details about a timer
(GetTimerList) Gets the list of timers
(GetTimerOption) Gets the value of a named timer option
(IsTimer) Tests to see if a timer exists
(ResetTimer) Resets a named timer
(ResetTimers) Resets all timers
(SetTimerOption) Sets the value of a named timer option

(Help topic: dialog=IDD_EDIT_TIMER)

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