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Mob Spy/assassin concept

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Posted by Manetherin   (1 post)  [Biography] bio
Date Wed 19 May 2004 03:14 PM (UTC)
Ok, among other things one of the projects I'm working on in the mud I'm building (Smaug 1.4a, already heavily modified..) is a slightly more advanced version of the Nation snippets seen here and there. Most notable of the changes is a sort of nation vault players can donate gold to so that they can help further the cause of the nation. Each nation will have a PC leader who can then use the money to do things like hire more mob guards for the city, make changes to the city itself (basically an ingame money sink so they can hire Imm's to make aesthetic changes), and send out armies of mobs against other nations (I've already got an Imm-run invasion command that spawns x number of y mobs in z area, though not heavily tested) but I've just had an idea or two and need feedback on how do-able you guys think this may be. All of these commands would actually be issued by an Imm rather than the player paying for it to avoid abuse.

Spies - nation leader option to hire a non-aggro spy mob which will hang out in a specified room under invis/hide etc. and log player conversations, posting what was said to the hiring nation's boards/note system.

Assassins - nation leader option to hire an assassin to send against a specified player. Would check the victim's level and spawn an assassin rated five levels higher. The assassin would invis/hide and be trans'ed by the Imm to the victim's hometown, where it would wander untill it found it's target, and proceed to backstab and attack that victim.

Both mobs could be spotted and killed like any other mob, and when killed leaves some sign of who hired them ("The gold in his pockets carries the mint marks of X!" or something like that)

What I'm wondering is how viable these ideas are, namely the abilities of the Spy logging and posting to a board, and the Assassin being spawned at five levels higher than the victim.

I'm guessing on the assassin level question, I'd probably just have to pre-make an assortment of various level mobs with different vnums, but having them only aggro a specific target I'm unsure on how to do.
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Posted by Rjak   Romania  (42 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #1 on Thu 20 May 2004 01:21 PM (UTC)
ur ideeas are already old. are already implemented in a hi tech mud... and this mud is running from 1995

tough luck
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Posted by Ithildin   USA  (262 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #2 on Thu 20 May 2004 06:29 PM (UTC)
Don't just troll him Rjack. He asked good questions. I for one had never seen those implemented in a mud either. there are thousands of muds out there. give him some advice on how he might help. This forum is to help people, not to tell them tough luck, it's already been done. help him out.
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Posted by Nick Cash   USA  (626 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #3 on Sun 23 May 2004 07:42 AM (UTC)
Sounds pretty cool. I'd like to see it done, or a snippet perhaps.

~Nick Cash
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