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General spellup plugin/script?

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Posted by Vokin   (1 post)  [Biography] bio
Date Sat 07 Jan 2017 06:14 AM (UTC)
Hi all,

Found a number of threads about the Aardmud spellup plugin, which looks awesome, but that's not the mud I play and it looks like it would take a LOT of work to change it. Does anyone have a simpler spellup script they could share?

While I would love many of the features from the Aardmud spellup plugin, my minimum requirements are basically:
- type in a command (spellup or whatever) with/without target (and possibly with modifiers but that's not necessary)
- this executes a list of spell casts (happy to preset these in the plugin/script, they won't change much)
- as the spells go off, some of them might fail. i'd want it to automatically requeue/recast those failed ones. the issue here is on my mud there is no customization to fail messages. all failed spells give the same message, so there is no way to easily trigger a recast of a given fail.

Right now I just spam all the casts in an alias and then, based on fails I have to figure out which failed and recast those manually. I'm low level so it's only a list of 3-4 spells right now, but will get much longer.

So, I guess what I'm asking is how to make a queue of spells and then, if I get the fail message instead of the succeed message (the successes all have different messages based on the buff's effect), redo the last tried spell (or add a recast to the end of the queue)

I have some basic programming experience, and can generally figure out how to modify code (I've edited certain code I found here for a channel capture window based on my mud's output). I just don't know where to begin trying to build this from scratch and the aardmud one is WAY complex and I know I would break it before I got anywhere close to making it work for my mud.
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Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (22,975 posts)  [Biography] bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #1 on Sat 07 Jan 2017 08:45 PM (UTC)
These scripts are very dependent on what messages you see from the MUD. If you are going to try to write one I suggest taking it slowly, and start simple. For example, find a message that indicates a spell fails (or succeeds) and make a trigger to detect that.

Also, make one or more aliases to do the casting. It's hard to give more details without knowing more.

- Nick Gammon

www.gammon.com.au, www.mushclient.com
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