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Posted by
| Tseris
(98 posts) Bio
| Wed 28 Oct 2009 02:40 AM (UTC) |
| Im making a Werewolf class. The basic gist is that they dont use weapons, only their claws and teeth. In order to balance this I planned to give them several passive damage increasing skills coded similiarly to "enhanced damage", which would effectively increase their damroll to much larger numbers than any other class to make up for the weapon damage that is not getting added in when they attack.
Does this seem like a feasible way to accomplish this?
With so many modifiers to damage when a weapon strikes, any ideas as to how I could estimate how much extra damroll this class would need to be balanced with the other classes? | Top |
Posted by
| KaVir
Germany (117 posts) Bio
| Reply #1 on Wed 28 Oct 2009 10:09 AM (UTC) |
| You'd need to look at what sort of weapons are available at each appropriate level. If you've got strict building guidelines about the power of items at specific levels then this should be fairly easy, otherwise you could try looking at which weapons players of each level typically use.
Instead of handling this as a skill, another possibility would be to add claw/bite upgrade rewards to various mobs. This would ensure that werewolves had to hunt mobs to get the 'best' unarmed bonuses, in the same way as other classes get their weapons.
What about other equipment? Will werewolves still be able to wear helmets, gauntlets, etc?
Another option might be to have a 'shapechange' skill which the player uses to transform between human and wolf/wolfman form. While shapechanged the player could retain the bonuses from all their equipment, but that equipment could be hidden (you'd also want to block them from wearing or removing items in their beastial form). Likewise, the damage messages could be displayed as claw/bite, regardless of which weapon is actually used.
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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