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wireless.. can't connect?

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Posted by Rechocto   (6 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Fri 09 Jul 2004 05:56 PM (UTC)
im on a wireless connection to my moms comp in the other room, and from both my comp and her comp can open through telnet

but no one else can connect.. they've tried connecting through that, and through my mask (
) and even through my moms ip (
) but nothing works, does it have something to do with wireless connection or is there a different address im supposed to be using?
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Posted by Meerclar   USA  (733 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #1 on Fri 09 Jul 2004 06:30 PM (UTC)

Amended on Fri 09 Jul 2004 09:54 PM (UTC) by Meerclar

No one from outside your home will ever be able to connect to your 192.168.x.x addresses because those are private IP addresses. IF is the address of your router and not a NAT address from your ISP you should be able to do port forwarding from the manual. If that is a NAT address assigned by your ISP you may be completely out of luck for outside connections unless the ISP is willing to work with you.

Meerclar - Lord of Cats
Coder, Builder, and Tormenter of Mortals
Stormbringer: Rebirth
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Posted by Rechocto   (6 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #2 on Fri 09 Jul 2004 07:07 PM (UTC)
hm.. well do you know of any site where i can like upload the mud and have a dedicated ip running it for free (that i can download and remove the mud if i feel necessary)?

i know theres plenty of sites that host like 100mb for like $5/month, but, you know..

(p.s. a reliable site)
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Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (22,990 posts)  [Biography] bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #3 on Fri 09 Jul 2004 09:33 PM (UTC)

Amended on Fri 09 Jul 2004 09:34 PM (UTC) by Nick Gammon

The port forwarding idea might work. You are with ns.cox.net, right?

Well, connecting to only takes you to the *router*, not your PC. However if you can configure the router to forward incoming calls on port 4000 to your PC, you might have it made.

Failing that, I doubt you will find a fast, reliable, *free* MUD hosting service. If there was one that was publicly known, it would soon become clogged with MUDs, so it would no longer be fast or reliable.

Maybe one of your friends might have a different connection to the Internet that does allow port forwarding, maybe you can get free hosting from him/her.

Failing that, for $5 per month that you say you can get, if you and a couple of friends chip in a bit each, you could pay for a MUD host service for about the cost of a can of drink each month.

- Nick Gammon

www.gammon.com.au, www.mushclient.com
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Posted by Magnum   Canada  (580 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #4 on Mon 12 Jul 2004 04:30 AM (UTC)
First of all, when you say you connect to your mother's computer, can you describe the hardware setup?

It is mostly likely one of two setups:

     Internet \ ISP
         V (
       Mom's Computer (With two network connections)
                   ^ (192.168.2.??)
                   | Private LAN
                   v (192.168.2.??)
                Your Computer
With the above type of configuration, a mud would work most effectively if it was hosted on your mother's computer. It's been a long time since I've worked with network tables, but it may be possible to forward incoming packets from the internet, through your mother's computer, and on to your computer. This would only work effectively if you mother's computer was always on, or at least on when you want to run the mud. Since that's the case, like I said, easier to just host it on your mother's computer.

That kind of network setup which shares the internet through a single computer acting as a gateway is someone archaic for home networks. One of the main drawbacks is that the gateway computer must be up and running for any other computer on the LAN to have internet access.

The more popular way to share the internet among a private home network looks like this:

                Internet \ ISP
                   V (
                 Router (Usually with a dedicated "uplink" port to the modem)
                   ^ (192.168.2.??)
      [--- LAN ----------- LAN ---]
      |                           |
      |                           |
      v (192.168.2.??)            v (192.168.2.??)
    Mom's Computer             Your Computer

This is the popular way that home networks are set up these days. The advantages are that any computer can have access to the internet, even if all the other computers on the LAN are turned off. Also, the Router will log into your ISP for you, so you don't need to run login software on any computer. Also, the router acts as a firewall.

With this kind of configuration, it is fairly straightforward to log into your router (usually using your web browser) and configure it to forward incoming packets [from the internet] on a certain port to a specific computer on the LAN.

Anyway, in either case, I would probably advise that you configure your MUD server to allow connections on two ports. You could have one dedicated to external connections from the internet, and another for internal connections from the LAN.

Ok... So, you were not clear in your request for help, which kind of network setup you have. Is it one of the two I've shown?

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Posted by Magnum   Canada  (580 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #5 on Mon 12 Jul 2004 04:50 AM (UTC)
I should add, it's the other people who replied to your request for help, that assumed you are using a router. However, in your original message you specifically say you are "on a wireless connection to my moms comp". That causes me to think perhaps you have the first kind of network I described above.

I should point out, if you are using a router, then you may think that you are connecting to your mother's computer, probably because the router is sitting in very close proximity to her system case, but that is actually not the case. It would be more proper to say "I'm on a wireless connection to the router in my mom's room". See, (as I said in my message above), you could be connecting to the router in her room, and you could have internet access, and all the while her computer is turned off! (But the Router is still turned on).

If this is the situation, you would of course not want the router and modem plugged into the same power-bar as your Mom's computer, particularly if she turns off the power-bar when she's not using the computer. She would be un-nessecarily killing your internet connection as well.

In my residence, I have two power-bar's around my desk. One has the plugs for my computer and monitor and speakers and whatnot, and then I have a separate power-bar just for the router and modem. That second power-bar -- I pretty much never shut it off.

Ok, I've assumed your a complete novice when it comes to network stuff. Hope I haven't made an ass out of u and me. ;)

Get my plugins here: http://www.magnumsworld.com/muds/

Constantly proving I don't know what I am doing...
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Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (22,990 posts)  [Biography] bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #6 on Fri 16 Jul 2004 05:01 AM (UTC)

Do you know of any site where i can like upload the mud and have a dedicated ip running it for free



They list some free MUD hosts.

- Nick Gammon

www.gammon.com.au, www.mushclient.com
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