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➜ MUSHclient
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➜ Unregistered splash screen?
Unregistered splash screen?
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Posted by
| Poromenos
Greece (1,037 posts) Bio
| Fri 05 Nov 2004 07:39 AM (UTC) |
| How about you change the splashscreen to be displayed after an initial period of 30 or so days ends? That way users will miss the fast startup and might register more :P Not to mention that in the first few uses of the client, they are disturbed by it and causes them to switch back to their old client when I try to convince them to try MC. This way they will have used it for too long to switch back by the time they get the screen. It's good marketing :) |
Vidi, Vici, Veni. Read it! | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #1 on Sat 06 Nov 2004 08:38 PM (UTC) |
| Anything like that which requires something to happen after X days (a splash screen, client stops etc.) has the problem of knowing how that time has elapsed. Where do you put the initial date? In the Registry? A file? Whereever it is, all someone has to do is uninstall and reinstall and they get to use it forever without ever seeing the nag screen. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Poromenos
Greece (1,037 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Sat 06 Nov 2004 09:57 PM (UTC) |
| Not if uninstallation doesn't remove the key. The majority of shareware programs uses this method, and none of them is susceptible to this :P Besides, I'm just offering a way of increasing revenue. |
Vidi, Vici, Veni. Read it! | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #3 on Sun 07 Nov 2004 01:14 AM (UTC) |
| Yes, but people can find the key easily enough. A bit of research, and someone posts on a web site:
"Delete key XXX from the registry and you can use MUSHclient for ever."
I'll tell you how you would find it, in case you are wondering.
Check out this (free) utility called Regmon:
Basically it monitors all registry calls. Now if you install that, filter it to only the calls MUSHclient makes (or your favourite other program) you can soon see what checks it makes when it starts up.
There is a similar utility for files, in case you were thinking of a hidden file somewhere.
Besides, I'm just offering a way of increasing revenue.
It may decrease revenue, but thanks for the suggestion. As I said, a bit of research and you give people a way of removing the nag screen without having to patch the code or use other techniques.
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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